Window dressing
The design for the interior and exterior glazing in the call centre of the offices of a company of bailiffs.
Thanks to the good sense of humour and the open-mindedness of the clients, we were able to suggest a truly poetic theme with an allusional emphasis. So, for the bay window occupying the main square in the staircase, we produced a monochrome illustration: “The Téléphonier”.
It is a metaphor for the work carried out in these professional premises. The old elephants represent wisdom and learning, whilst the small elephants are bustle about like the worker bees in a hive. They are busy harvesting phones from the big tree (the “phone”). This pleasing illustration is a poetic image of the work done, mainly on the telephone, by the many employees on the site.
Integrated into the structure of the building, the screen is divided into two parts corresponding to the different levels of the building. The main bay represents the undergrowth of this imaginary virgin forest. The small bay, located above, represents the canopy. The two illustrations can be appreciated separately but take their full meaning in their entirety, obtained only when climbing the stairs or viewed together from the lounge.
The other decorations bring in the logos of the various services as well as the insignia of the Bailiffs of Justice.
Illustration : Nicolas Tesson. Print lamination and installation on site : Maudet Communication Visuelle. Architect : Bruno Béjard